I’m embarking on this journey for two reasons, and two reasons only:
- Clickbait for my stupid snack blog.
- Because I am uniquely qualified as a special kind of fatass who has logged and recorded notes for over 100 Oreo releases from around the world, dating all the way back to the early 2000s.
What you are about to witness is a deafening embarrassment of my existence.
It says a lot about Oreo that we’ve eclipsed the century-mark for different flavors, but it wasn’t until now that any garbage human like myself compiled a list with definitive rankings for 100-plus. The list also doubles as a “How-to Guide” to not get laid.
It’s imperative that I begin with some qualifiers:
- I prefer the Golden Oreo.
- All of this is opinion.
- None of this matters.
We’ll start with the worst first, because they’re the most interesting and you’re gonna stop reading this a few minutes in…
132) Reduced Fat Oreos
Honestly, what are we even doing here? Diet Oreos? Just shit or get off the pot.
Year Introduced: Who cares?
131) Wasabi Oreos (Japan)

Image Source: OreoViews.com
You know you’re obsessed with a brand when you intentionally order Oreos with a creme flavored like a sushi complement, but Wasabi Oreos made me question everything I do for a living and for sport. Truly so disgusting that it might have benefited from raw fish on top.
Year Introduced: 2018, Japan
130) Swedish Fish Oreos
These tasted like Swedish Fish that had been soaked overnight in Robitussin, which is probably an insult to the fine folks at Robitussin.
Will go down in history as the single worst thing American innovation has ever produced.
Link to Full Review: Swedish Fish Oreos via Junk Banter
129) Supreme Oreos
These were regular Oreos that sold for a million dollars.
Still a better deal than Swedish Fish.
Year Introduced: 2020
128) Hot Chicken Wing Oreos (Japan)
I honestly have no idea why I do this to myself.
Year Introduced: 2018, Japan
127) Fruit Punch Oreos
Accurate, but awful. Put some Kool Aid powder between two Golden wafers and let me know how close you were to barfing in the comments.
Year Introduced: 2014
Link to Full Review: Fruit Punch Oreos via Huffington Post
126) Love, Oreos
Love is complicated, but Love Oreos were simple to interpret: they sucked.
Year Introduced: 2019
Link to Full Review: Love Oreos via Junk Banter
125) Matcha Oreos
I’m not a big matcha guy, but I think these Oreos would be a lot better if they didn’t exist.
They took about three weeks to arrive via boat from Japan, and about three more minutes before they ended up in my garbage.
Year Introduced: 2016, Japan
124) Mystery Oreos 2017 – Fruity Pebbles (w/Chocolate)
I’m just mad they never paid me my $50,000 for correctly guessing them as Fruity Pebbles.
Not like it was difficult to solve. They had already done another Fruity Pebbles Oreo on a golden wafer, making this simple for anyone who has eaten 100+ Oreos in his lifetime.
I’m like a Fat Sherlock Holmes.
Link to Full Review: Mystery Oreos 2017 via Junk Banter
123) Peeps Oreos (Golden)
Peeps are the Devil’s trash, so I’m pretty much ranking these here on principle.
Year Introduced: 2017
Link to Full Review: Peeps Oreos (Golden) via Junk Banter
122) Strawberry Shortcake Oreos
A good idea done poorly. Nabisco struggles with artificial berry cremes and this just didn’t taste anything like strawberry shortcake.
Later, we’ll see how they teamed with Good Humor to right their wrongs.
Year Introduced: 2016
Link to Full Review: Strawberry Shortcake Oreos via Junk Banter
121) Chocolate Strawberry Oreos
I don’t think the regular Chocolate Oreos are that great to begin with, but pairing it with a poorly-executed strawberry creme just made it taste like medicine.
These triggered haunting memories of the Swedish Fish Oreos, and my appetite for cookies and love were squashed simultaneously when this Valentine’s seasonal debuted.
Year Introduced: 2016
Link to Full Review: Chocolate Strawberry Oreos via Junk Banter
120) Berry Oreos
Berry Oreos had the brief distinction of being a permanent flavor, but you probably didn’t even notice.
The raspberry-strawberry hybrid creme was only marginally better than the strawberry one. They were quietly discontinued in just a couple of years.
Year Introduced: 2014
119) Hot & Spicy Cinnamon Oreos
A limited edition flavor for Valentine’s Day, Hot & Spicy Cinnamon Oreos were a great way to not get laid. Like eating an Oreo wafer while chewing on Big Red gum.
Link to Full Review: Hot & Spicy Cinnamon Oreos via Junk Banter
118) Ice Cream Oreos (Rainbow Shure, Bert!)

Image source: Brand Eating
I hated the way these were stylized even more than I hated the raspberry-lime sherbet flavored creme.
I don’t know who Bert is, but I was “shure” these were terrible.
Year Introduced: 2012
Link to Full Review: Review via Brand Eating
117) Watermelon Oreos

Image source: BakingBites.com
If you love Jolly Ranchers, you might have loved these.
But you don’t.
Year Introduced: 2013
Link to Full Review: Watermelon Oreos via Baking Bites
116) Lemon Twist Oreos
When life hands you lemons and chocolate, you do NOT make this.
Nabisco got a little overzealous after achieving success with the golden Lemon Oreos shortly before this. The “twist” was that these were very, very bad.
Year Introduced: 2015
115) Blueberry Ice Cream Oreos (Asia)
It all sounds great, until you realize the blueberry flavor also has a minty element to it. They also gyp you on the amount of creme you get with foreign Oreos compared to the overstuffed ones our fatasses get in the States.
Year Introduced: Who knows?
114) Oreo Fudge Cremes (Any of them)
I’m ranking Oreo Fudge Cremes all the way down here because – even though they were covered in fudge – they were only half of an Oreo.
I will NOT give respect to an Oreo if it doesn’t even have two wafers. #NotMyOreo
Year Introduced: 2010
113) Cherry Cola Oreos
In 2018 Nabisco held a #MyOreoCreation flavor vote contest, and some dumbass submitted Cherry Cola Oreos which Nabisco actually made. It had a cherry cola creme with popping candy on chocolate wafers.
What’s worse? Said dumbass would win $500,000 when a whole bunch of dumbasses (all of us) voted for these to win.
Despite the victory, Oreo never brought them back.
Year Introduced: 2018
Link to Full Review: Cherry Cola Oreos via Junk Banter
112) Limeade Oreos

Image source: My Half Assed Kitchen
Were these supposed to be refreshing? Because they weren’t.
The creme looked like Slimer’s piss and probably tasted like it too.
Year Introduced: 2014
Link to Full Review: Limeade Oreos via My Half Assed Kitchen
111) Toffee Crunch Oreos
Toffee Crunch Oreos are the missionary position of Oreos. Not bad, just kinda boring.
Year Introduced: 2022
Link to Full Review: Toffee Crunch Oreos via Junk Banter
110) Caramel Coconut Oreos
The Girl Scouts mopped the floor with Nabisco on this one, as Caramel Coconut Oreos didn’t stack up favorably against the reigning caramel coconut cookie champion: the Samoa.
Year Introduced: 2020
Link to Full Review: Caramel Coconut Oreos via Junk Banter
109) Salted Caramel Brownie Oreos
The first ever Oreo topped with salt, Salted Caramel Brownie Oreos features both a brownie creme and a caramel one. However, they just tasted like Chocolate Oreos that made me thirsty.
Year Introduced: 2021
Link to Full Review: Salted Caramel Brownie Oreos via Junk Banter
108) Java Chip Oreos
*Yawns.* Probably the worst of the many coffee-flavored Oreos we’ve had in the U.S., mostly because it was just more of the same thing.
If it were a cup of coffee, it would be a stale cup from the Hampton Inn.
Year Introduced: 2021
Link to Full Review: Java Chip Oreos via Junk Banter
107) Mocha Caramel Latte Oreos
A hair better than the Java Chip Oreos because it had the slightest touch of caramel added.
But like a hair in your coffee, I don’t want it.
Year Introduced: 2022
Link to Full Review: Mocha Caramel Latte Oreos
106) Caramel Apple Oreos
Caramel apple is the forgotten stepchild of fall flavors against pumpkin spice, and these Oreos were pretty forgettable too. The caramel apple flavor just wasn’t strong enough.
Year Introduced: 2014
Link to Full Review: Caramel Apple Oreos via Junk Banter
105) Peppermint Oreos
With Mint Oreos available year-round by this point, there was just nothing special about Peppermint Oreos. The pink creme didn’t make sense and would make Santa sad.
Year Introduced: 2011
Link to Full Review: Peppermint Oreos via Junk Banter
104) Candy Cane Oreos
Same shit as above but with much better coloring and crunchy sprinkles in the creme.
Year Introduced: 2008
Link to Full Review: Candy Cane Oreos via The Impulsive Buy
103) Triple Double Neapolitan Oreos

Image Source: Grub Grade
The concept here was tons of fun, but that strawberry flavor dominated too much and it was absent the vanilla creme, as they instead relied on the Golden cookie to deliver enough vanilla.
It didn’t, but any time we get three wafers like an Oreo Big Mac, it’s still pretty cool.
Year Introduced: 2011
Link to Full Review: Triple Double Neapolitan Oreos via Grub Grade
102) Strawberries n’ Creme Oreos
This one was an upgrade over the Chocolate Strawberry Oreos because it paired the strawberry with the classic Oreo creme, which is better than the chocolate creme.
But it still didn’t make me want to dip my something into anything.
Year Introduced: 2013
Link to Full Review: Strawberries n’ Creme Oreos via The Impulsive Buy
101) Strawberry Milkshake Oreos
Strawberry Milkshake Oreos get some points for being ahead of the curve, launching several years before Nabisco would start pumping out strange flavors on the reg.
They also played with the principle that the best fruits are actually ice cream.
Year Introduced: 2008
100) Tiramisu Oreos (Korea)
The chocolate was there, the coffee was there, but I swear foreign Oreos just don’t check the same boxes that their American counterparts do. Just look how wimpy that creme is.
Year Introduced: 2016
Link to Full Review: Tiramisu Oreo Thins via The Impulsive Buy
99) Tiramisu Oreos
Better than the Korean version, but nowhere near as sexy as the dessert.
Year Introduced: 2020
Link to Full Review: Tiramisu Oreos via Junk Banter
98) Filled Cupcake Oreos
I enjoyed these because it’s not every day that someone demands that you twist & lick something of theirs, like this package did.
Carpe diem.
Year Introduced: 2016
Link to Full Review: Filled Cupcake Oreos via Junk Banter
97) Coconut Oreo Thins
A little bit tropical and didn’t taste like sunscreen. Plus… the Thins rule.
Year Introduced: 2017
Link to Full Review: Coconut Oreo Thins via Junk Banter
96) Candy Corn Oreos
I’m one of those people who think the best way to eat candy corn is to throw it in the trash, but thankfully this treat was a trick.
Candy Corn Oreos didn’t taste much like candy corn.
Year Introduced: 2012
Link to Full Review: Candy Corn Oreos via Junk Banter
95) Key Lime Pie Oreos
These took the tart Limeade Oreos, made the creme better, and added a graham flavored cookie to replicate Key Lime Pie pretty damn well for a processed sandwich cookie.
Year Introduced: 2015
Link to Full Review: Key Lime Pie Oreos via Junk Banter
94) Chocolate Oreos
You gotta give some love for the OGs, and the chocolate creme was a good change-up back in the day. But as time passed and more flavors were introduced, they lost some of their luster.
Much better chocolate cremes will show their power later in these rankings.
Year Introduced: A long time ago.
93) Chocolate Double Stuf Oreos

Image Source: Kaypu
A study once found that Double Stuf Oreos actually only contain 1.86 times the stuf.
No study would ever reveal why they omit the second “f.”
Year Introduced: 2009
92) Chocolate Oreo Thins
Spoiler Alert: I like Thins better than regular Oreos AND Double Stuf Oreos, and I’ll explain why later.
These were basically crackers that tasted like chocolate milk.
Year Introduced: 2016
Link to Full Review: Chocolate Oreo Thins via Junk Banter
91) Waffles & Syrup Oreos
A ringing endorsement that it’s okay to eat Oreos for breakfast, this flavor waffled between syrup and vanilla (YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE?)
It would be outdone by a much better maple Oreo later.
Year Introduced: 2017
Link to Full Review: Waffles & Syrup Oreos via Junk Banter
90) Pina Colado Oreo Thins
Pina Colada Oreo Thins were another illness of the #MyOreoCreation contest, but I actually think these were better much than the Cherry Cola Oreos that won the contest.
The coconut creme had been done before but pineapple Oreos hadn’t existed previously.
Viva la Thins.
Year Introduced: 2018
Link to Full Review: Pina Colada Oreo Thins via Junk Banter
89) Dulce de Leche Caramel Creme Oreos

Image Source: Cookie Madness
Another one way ahead of its time in the early 2000s, Dulce de Leche Oreos tasted like it had a brown butter creme more than a distinct dulce de leche. Still tasted good though.
Year Introduced: 2006
Link to Full Review: Dulce de Leche Oreos via Cookie Madness
88) Salted Caramel Oreo Thins
The creme was more mild than I would have liked, but that little burst of saltiness made them a winner nonetheless.
Year Introduced: 2017
Link to Full Review: Salted Caramel Oreo Thins via Junk Banter
87) Mystery Oreos 2019 – Churro
You could have talked about Oreos with your Amazon Alexa to get clues for this one, but it was so obviously churro.
“Alexa… where the f*ck is my $50,000?”
Year Introduced: 2019
Link to Full Review: Mystery Oreo 2019 via Junk Banter
86) Jelly Donut Oreos
These were much better if you pretended they didn’t look like a bloody tampon.
Year Introduced: 2017
Link to Full Review: Jelly Donut Oreos via Junk Banter
85) Cookies & Creme Oreos
If you enjoy pizza crust as a pizza topping, orange slices soaked in orange juice, or bread sandwiches, then these Oreos were perfect.
Year Introduced: 2013-ish
Link to Full Review: Cookies & Creme Oreos via Junk Banter
84) Oreo DQ Blizzard Oreos

Image Source: Junk Food Guy
The same thing as Cookies & Creme Oreos (so basically Oreos), but with better branding and almost Double Stuf.
Didn’t really taste like a DQ Blizzard though.
Year Introduced: 2010
Link to Full Review: Oreo DQ Blizzard Oreos via The Impulsive Buy
83) Firework Oreos
With popping candy in the creme to emulate fireworks, Katy Perry gave these an “Oh, Oh, Oh” out of 10.
Year Introduced: 2017
Link to Full Review: Firework Oreos via Junk Banter
82) Mississippi Mud Pie Oreo
Well we already had Oreo flavored Oreos, so why not cream flavored creme? These had half chocolate creme and half whipped cream flavored creme.
But even Oreo thought this was lazy by their standards, as they hid this one in Dollar General where nobody would ever find it.
Year Introduced: 2017
Link to Full Review: Mississippi Mud Pie Oreos via Junk Banter
81) Triple Double Oreos

Image Source: Brand Eating
Better than the Neapolitan Triple Double Oreos because it was absent the flawed strawberry creme.
Any time you get the opportunity to cram two Oreos into your mouth at once, you take it.
Year Introduced: 2011
Link to Full Review: Triple Double Oreos via Brand Eating
80) Peeps Oreos (Chocolate)
The first Peeps Oreos on Golden wafers were a real chemical shitstorm, but Nabisco fixed the bitterness in the creme and smartly paired it with the classic chocolate wafer.
Even though Peeps are basically marshmallows for idiots, these tasted pretty damn good.
Year Introduced: 2018
Link to Full Review: Peeps Oreos (Chocolate) via Junk Banter
79) Marshmallow Moon Oreos
Turns out even the moon is a better marshmallow than a Peep. The package also glowed in the dark, which came in handy when you were eating Oreos in bed at 2 A.M.
Year Introduced: 2019
Link to Full Review: Marshmallow Moon Oreos via Junk Banter
78) Peanut Butter Oreos
One of the original innovations for different Oreo cremes, Peanut Butter Oreos have withstood the test of time because, well… peanut butter is the glue that holds our lives together.
Year Introduced: A long time ago
77) Peanut Butter Double Stuf Oreos

Image Source: Pinterest
Has anyone ever complained about too much peanut butter? Didn’t think so.
Year Introduced: 2005
Link to Full Review: Peanut Butter Double Stuf Oreos via The Impulsive Buy
76) Double Delight Peanut Butter ‘n Chocolate Creme Oreos
Here we started to stray from the Peanut Butter Oreos towards a Reese’s Oreos, which was a GREAT precursor of things to come years later.
I’d say you’ll find out what I’m talking about deeper in these rankings, but you stopped reading this a long time ago.
Year Introduced: 2003
75) Double Delight Coffee ‘n Creme Oreos

Image Source: Pinterest
This blurry image is about the only evidence that they ever existed, but I remember, dammit!
Year Introduced: 2003
74) Latte Oreo Thins
Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my Oreos!!
Year Introduced: 2019
Link to Full Review: Latte Oreo Thins via Junk Banter
73) Root Beer Float Oreos

Image Source: Foodbeast
Half vanilla creme, and half ROOT BEER FLAVOR CREME. This was certainly one of the whackiest flavors to ever grace shelves.
And yes, I know there is something wrong with me, but I kind of loved it.
Year Introduced: 2014
Link to Full Review: Root Beer Float Oreos via Foodbeast
72) Mint Oreos
Another early variant, Mint Creme Oreos are still available even in Family Size – a big testament to their popularity.
Year Introduced: The stone age.
71) Double Delight Mint n’ Creme Oreos

Image Source: Buycott
I mean c’mon… it’s twice the delight!
Year Introduced: 2003
70) Cool Mint Double Stuf Oreos

Image Source: Pinterest
Made your breath smell 1.86 times better than Oreos.
Year Introduced: 2009
69) Mint Oreo Thins
Crispier and thinner, and therefore closer to a Thin Mint.
Year Introduced: 2015
68) Chocolate Mint Triple Double Oreos

Image Source: Flickr
You know what? The creme gets all the attention, but it’s time we give some love to the wafer. It’s a damn good cookie and I’ll take three, please.
Year Introduced: 2012
Link to Full Review: Chocolate Mint Triple Double Oreos via Junk Food Guy
67) Peppermint Bark Oreos
A new white peppermint creme and crunchy sugar crystals gave these the slight edge over previous mint varieties, though it was mostly just a festively decorated update.
Year Introduced: 2018
Link to Full Review: Peppermint Bark Oreos via Junk Banter
66) Baskin Robbins Mint Chocolate Chip Oreos
Now THAT’s what I’m talking about! This creme totally nailed the ice cream vibe they were gunning for, and added points with mini chocolate chips in the creme.
Year Introduced: 2019
Link to Full Review: Baskin Robbins Mint Chocolate Chip Oreos via Junk Banter
65) Berry Burst Ice Cream Oreos

Image Source: Chiefs Markets
Ever had Berry Burst ice cream? Me neither, but if you’ve ever wrapped yourself in a bowl of strawberry ice cream, then you probably liked these.
Year Introduced: 2011
Link to Full Review: Berry Burst Ice Cream Oreos via The Impulsive Buy
64) Brookie-O Oreos
When you wanted to eat three desserts at once with the effort it takes to make zero, there really weren’t many better options than the Brookie-O Oreo.
These Oreos featured a triple threat of cremes: a layer of cookie dough creme (from the old Cookie Dough Oreos), a layer of brownie creme (from the old Brownie Batter Oreos), and a layer of original Oreo creme.
It’s truly amazing what you can do with a bunch of dead Oreos.
Year Introduced: 2021
Link to Full Review: Brookie-O Oreos via Junk Banter
63) White Fudge Covered Oreos
I was 19 years old when I took my love for White Fudge Oreos to a dangerously dizzying peak, in which I got drunk off eggnog, ate an entire box, and then barfed for about an hour.
They remain a holiday tradition each and every year.
Link to Full Review: White Fudge Covered Oreos via Junk Banter
62) Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Oreos
A beautiful combination of pre-existing Oreos parts: half chocolate creme, half peanut butter creme, and the graham flavored wafer first introduced with Key Lime Pie and S’mores.
In other words, a real celebration for the WHOREOS who’ve tried every other Oreo that ever existed.
Year Introduced: 2018
Link to Full Review: Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Oreos via Junk Banter
61) Apple Pie Oreos
I’ve heard a few people say they tasted like candles. If you’re one of those people, please send me whatever candles you’re using. I’ll gladly eat them.
*Cut to the scene in American Pie where Jason Biggs humps his dessert.*
Year Introduced: 2017
Link to Full Review: Apple Pie Oreos via Junk Banter
60) Apple Cider Donut Oreos
These tasted more like apple fritters than they did apple cider donuts, but who is complaining?
Eating Apple Cider Donut Oreos is the best fall date I’ve ever had since I got two Little Caesers Hot-N-Ready pizzas for myself on my way back from a corn maze I did alone.
Year Introduced: 2021
Link to Full Review: Apple Cider Donut Oreos via Junk Banter
59) Hot Cocoa Oreos
Sorry, Santa… I enjoyed these too much to leave any out for you.
Year Introduced: 2017
Link to Full Review: Hot Cocoa Oreos via Junk Banter
58) Chocolate Hazelnut Oreos (Chocolate Wafer)
A flavor so nice they did it twice, but the other one was better. Read on…
Year Introduced: 2021
Link to Full Review: Chocolate Hazelnut Oreos via Junk Banter
57) Uh-Oh! Oreos/Golden Chocolate Oreos

Image Source: Discontinued Foods
I admit I have a stupid bias towards products that admit their mistakes and have words like Uh-Oh!, Oops!, and Bloopers in their name, but these were bomb.
They were later renamed Golden Chocolate Oreos before eventual and unfortunate discontinuation.
Year Introduced: 2003
56) Strawberry Frosted Donut Oreos
With one part sparkly pink creme that tasted like strawberry frosting, and another part brown creme that tasted like donut dough, Strawberry Frosted Donut Oreos tasted a lot like a strawberry-frosted yeast donut from Dunkin’.
If you think you’re above a donut from Dunkin’, you’re not.
Year Introduced: 2021
Link to Full Review: Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Oreos via Junk Banter
55) Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Oreos
Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Oreos were modeled after the classic ice cream bar that was a number one seller on my ice cream truck when I used to be an ice cream man, unless we were sold out because I ate them all.
(I had this company policy where everything was free if I didn’t pay for it.)
Year Introduced: 2018
Link to Full Review: Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Oreos via Junk Banter
54) Cookie Butter Oreos
Cookie Butter is one of the greatest things ever, invented by a guy who thought: “peanut butter isn’t fattening enough.” Cookie butter cookies are next level.
Year Introduced: 2017
Link to Full Review: Cookie Butter Oreos via Junk Banter
53) Cookie Dough Oreos

Image Source: Foodette Reviews
A caramelized, brown sugar type creme with surprising coffee notes and chocolatey chips, Cookie Dough Oreos were oodles of fun.
Sorry, I’m running out of words to describe Oreos.
Year Introduced: 2014
Link to Full Review: Cookie Dough Oreos via The Impulsive Buy
52) Dunkin’ Donuts Mocha Oreos
Perfect for those of us who like to wake up and eat a handful of Oreos each day to get our engines goin’.
There was DEFINITE coffee flavor in the creme, the kind of coffee that a 13-year old would make with creme and 45 packets of sugar.
Year Introduced: 2017
Link to Full Review: Dunkin’ Donuts Mocha Oreos via Junk Banter
51) Chocolate Confetti Cake Oreos
If I ever turn 110 I hope somebody shoots me in the head, but Oreo had a different idea.
Chocolate Confetti Cake Oreos celebrated Oreos 110th birthday with two layers of creme (one standard chocolate and one birthday cake) and sprinkles in both the cookie wafers AND the creme. The presentation was fun, but they ended up just being a slightly watered-down version of the regular Birthday Cake Oreos.
Which is a great segue to…
Year Introduced: 2022
Link to Full Review: Chocolate Confetti Cake Oreos via The Impulsive Buy
50) Birthday Cake Oreos (Chocolate)

Image Source: Brand Eating
We’ll buy anything with sprinkles, but we’re glad we bought these. Still available today.
Year Introduced: 2012
Link to Full Review: Birthday Cake Oreos via Brand Eating
49) Chocolate Marshmallow Oreos
These were extremely marshmallowy despite being buried in a chocolate creme. There were also marshmallow pieces in the cookie, adding a whimsical chewy element. Reminded me of hot cocoa with marshmallows.
Year Introduced: 2020
Link to Full Review: Chocolate Marshmallow Oreos via Junk Banter
48) Chocolate Hazelnut Oreos (Golden Wafer)
Just wonderful. Imagine the Golden Oreos with Nutella spread on top. ?
The Golden Chocolate Hazelnut Oreos were better than the more recent Chocolate Hazelnut Oreos on the chocolate cookie because you really got to appreciate the Nutella-ness here, whereas the latter tasted more like a strictly hazelnut creme inside a regular Chocolate Oreo.
Year Introduced: 2018
Link to Full Review: Chocolate Hazelnut Oreos via Junk Banter
47) Choco Chip Oreos
“Dammit, there’s nothing left to turn into cookies!” shouts a Nabisco chef who won’t last long.
“Guys, who cares? They’ll buy whatever we sell,” says the guy who totally gets it.
“Just flavor them like other cookies so nobody even has a choice anymore.”
Bingo. These tasted like chocolate chip Teddy Grahams.
Year Introduced: 2016
Link to Full Review: Choco Chip Oreos via Junk Banter
46) Pumpkin Spice Oreos
I’ve had an ongoing love affair with Pumpkin Spice since before white girls even existed, so these hold a special place in my pumpkin spice heart.
Year Introduced: 2014
Link to Full Review: Pumpkin Spice Oreos via Junk Banter
45) Dark Chocolate Oreo Thins
These are incredible, but this is one of the only times I actually like the thick version better than the Thins version. Read on below.
Year Introduced: 2020
Link to Full Review: Dark Chocolate Oreos via Junk Banter
44) Dark Chocolate Oreos
A superior chocolate breathes fresh life into the Chocolate Oreos, which were on total life-support at the Junk Banter Hospital for the Obese.
I think Dark Chocolate Oreos perfectly spotlight how good the flavor of an Oreo wafer is on its own. The heavier chocolate creme has a way of enhancing and complimenting the Oreo’s distinctive cocoa flavor, and a larger amount of creme pulls this off more successfully than the Thins version.
Surprisingly phenomenal.
Year Introduced: 2019
Link to Full Review: Dark Chocolate Oreos via Junk Banter
43) Kettle Corn Oreos
Kettle Corn Oreos featured kettle corn creme and “puffed millet bits.” I Googled “puffed millet bits” and was directed to hundreds of sites selling bird food.
This bird food was delicious. Should have won the #MyOreoCreation vote but didn’t.
Year Introduced: 2018
Link to Full Review: Kettle Corn Oreos via Junk Banter
42) PB&J Oreos
PB&J Oreos were such better back-to-school cookies than those stupid Back-to-School Oreos that taunt you with phrases like “Welcome Back!” (worst limited edition flavor of all time).
Year Introduced: 2017
Link to Full Review: PB&J Oreos via Junk Banter
41) Oreo Cakesters

Image Source: Deseret News
Ok, so these technically weren’t Oreos but God I miss them! These Oreo-inspired snack cakes were what chubby little wet dreams were made of.
Year Introduced: 2007
Link to Full Review: Oreo Cakesters Review via The Impulsive Buy
40) The Most Stuf Oreos
Now we get into the series where we discuss what the best ratio of creme-to-cookie is.
These are delicious because Oreos, but IT’S TOO MUCH CREME.
My teeth were traveling through creme for so long that I actually forgot I was eating an Oreo. Takes too long for the cocoa flavor to catch up.
Year Introduced: 2019
Link to Full Review: The Most Stuf Oreos via Junk Banter
39) Mega Stuf Oreos
Better, but still a little too much. Mega Stuf Oreos have 2.68 times the stuf.
It’s important to remember that the wafers are an integral part to an Oreo being an Oreo. Pump the breaks on the creme!
Year Introduced: 2013
38) Gluten Free Oreos
Sure, it’s possible I have a gluten allergy. But there would be know way of knowing; I eat so much garbage that when my tummy rumbles and my butt explodes, it could be from any number of things.
But what I DO know is that Nabisco did a fantastic job with the Gluten Free Oreos. Substituting the gluten-rich wheat flour of the original recipe for a blend of rice flour, tapioca starch, and oat flour, they taste identical to regular Oreos.
Year Introduced: 2021
Link to Full Review: Gluten Free Oreos
37) Regular Oreos
I wouldn’t blame you if you picked the original Oreo as the GOAT. I mean they’re really, REALLY good. It’s just that, well… I’ve eaten a lot in all my years on Earth and I need to spice things up every once in a while.
Year Introduced: 1912 (seriously.)
36) Any Seasonal Oreo

Image Source: Pinterest
Maybe it’s the colored dye, maybe they’re fresher, or maybe it’s placebo effect.
But they’re totally better.
Year Introduced: Unknown, in one of the seasons.
35) Double Stuf Oreos
I like a little overindulgence, and Double Stuf Oreos deliver (almost) double the creamy goodness without becoming so obnoxious that it’s barely even an Oreo.
Year Introduced: 1975
34) Oreo Thins
Not only do these taste exactly like Oreos, but you can eat more of them before totally hating yourself. These are basically Oreo crackers and they have a delicate crunch that creates a sense of sophistication that causes you to eat them with a pinky raised sky-high, which is about the only exercise I get these days.
Year Introduced: 2015
Link to Full Review: Oreo Thins Review via The Impulsive Buy
33) Mega Stuf Heads or Tails Oreos

Image Source: The Impulsive Buy
I’m sorry, but I just love Oreos like this that don’t know whether they’re coming or going. One chocolate wafer, one Golden wafer, and all the stuf. Sure, whatever!
Year Introduced: 2013
Link to Full Review: Mega Stuf Heads or Tails Oreos via The Impulsive Buy
32) Double Stuf Heads or Tails Oreos
Same principles as above with a better proportion of cookie-to-creme.
Year Introduced: 2011
Link to Full Review: Double Stuf Heads or Tails Oreos via Junk Banter
31) Fudge Covered Oreos
The chocolatey coating melts in your mouth and adds an extra creaminess previously reserved for the inner creme sandwiched between the wafers.
These are exactly like the Fudge Covered Oreo Thins Bites, except they’re Oreo Fat Bites.
Year Introduced: 2019
Link to Full Review: Fudge Covered Oreos via Junk Banter
30) Fudge Covered Mint Oreos
These taste a lot like Thin Mints but are better in just about every way.
I also like that I could buy them at Target and not through some coworker I don’t want to talk to, or God forbid I ever have kids and have to work through them to get to the goods.
RIP to the Girl Scouts.
Year Introduced: 2019
Link to Full Review: Fudge Covered Mint Oreos via Junk Banter
29) Mint Fudge Covered Oreos

Image Source: The Impulsive Buy
Who even remembers these? Instead of covering a Mint Oreo in fudge, they covered a regular Oreo in a mint fudge and I thought that was just the best idea. The mint and vanilla played well together, all of it wrapped in fudge.
Year Introduced: 2009
Link to Full Review: Mint Fudge Covered Oreos via The Impulsive Buy
28) Lemon Oreos
These are the only Oreos to hit for the cycle: they started as limited edition, became a permanent flavor, had a chocolate variant, had a Thins variant, and are sold in family size (aka “me size”) because they are that popular. Rightfully so.
Year Introduced: 2012
Link to Full Review: Lemon Oreos via The Impulsive Buy
27) Lemon Oreo Thins
The lemon creme is bright, citrusy, and refreshing. Plus, the Oreo Thin experience is all about sophistication, and a light lemon cookie feels like I’m adulting pretty hard.
Year Introduced: 2016
Link to Full Review: Lemon Oreo Thins via Junk Banter
26) Neapolitan Oreos (2022 Version)
Over a decade after the Triple Double Neapolitan Oreos disappointed, the 2022 version introduced a new waffle cone flavored wafer and a threesome of chocolate, vanilla, and a revamped strawberry creme.
Released in the heart of summer, this was a delicious summertime treat and since it’s ice cream it’s okay to eat the entire package to cool off and I don’t want to hear anything suggesting otherwise and also, shut up.
Year Introduced: 2022
Link to Full Review: Neapolitan Oreos via Junk Banter
25) Maple Oreos
Maple Creme Oreos may just be the best thing that Canada ever inspired us to do.
With a simple maple flavored creme, they were approachable and unassuming like most Canadians.
They were, perhaps, the most polite Oreo of all-time.
Year Introduced: 2019
Link to Full Review: Maple Oreos via Junk Banter
24) Rocky Road Oreos
In addition to a rocky road flavored creme, the chocolate wafers had marshmallow bits and the creme had soy nut inclusions to emulate almonds (while also keeping it friendly for those with nut allergies.)
Pretty sure Nabisco made up “soy nut inclusions,” but whatever!
Year Introduced: 2018
Link to Full Review: Rocky Road Trip Oreos via Junk Banter
23) Brownie Batter Oreos
This was excellent recognition of how gluttonous all of us truly are. When we make brownies, we are impatient and undisciplined. Just give us a heaping spoonful of that diabetes batter before we even have a chance to cook it.
Year Introduced: 2015
Link to Full Review: Brownie Batter Oreos via Junk Banter
22) Ultimate Chocolate Oreos
Basically the equivalent of a Mega Stuf CHOCOLATE Oreo, Ultimate Chocolate Oreos had three separate cremes: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and white chocolate – just one big diarrhea soup of delicious chocolate decadence.
What’s not to love?
Year Introduced: 2022
Link to Full Review: Ultimate Chocolate Oreos via Junk Banter
21) Fudge Covered Dark Chocolate Oreos
Dark chocolate fudge coating + dark chocolate creme = chocolate Oreo supremacy.
Year Introduced: 2020
20) Banana Split Oreos

Image Source: Spoon University
With one chocolate wafer, one GOLDEN wafer, and TWO separate cremes (strawberry & banana), these were some of the most fun Oreos of all-time.
Year Introduced: 2013
Link to Full Review: Banana Split Oreos via Tami Dunn
19) Mega Stuf Golden Oreos
Now we enter the Golden series… a Golden Oreo shower, if you will.
The same order of operations for the creme-to-cookie ratio applies.
Year Introduced: 2013
Link to Full Review: Mega Stuf Golden Oreos via Junk Food Guy
18) Golden Oreos
Believe it or not the Golden wafer was first introduced as an “oopsie!” with the Uh-Oh! Oreos, but regular Golden Oreos were introduced a year later and remain the best vanilla cookie on the market by a landslide.
Big ole’ Golden middle finger to Vienna Fingers.
Year Introduced: 2004
Link to Full Review:
17) Double Stuf Golden Oreos
You can still (and should) buy these today. 1.86 times the Golden goodness.
Year Introduced: 2009
Link to Full Review: Double Stuf Golden Oreos via The Impulsive Buy
16) Golden Oreo Thins
These are in my pantry right now, and I write that comfortably knowing damn well they still will be at whatever point you’re (not) reading this in the future. Buy on repeat.
Year Introduced: 2015
15) Golden Birthday Cake Oreos
It was a tragedy of epic proportions when these were discontinued for no good reason. They tasted like Dunkaroos, for crying out loud! (It’s my birthday and I’ll cry if I want to. ?)
Year Introduced: 2013
Link to Full Review: Golden Birthday Cake Oreos via Tami Dunn
14) Cinnamon Bun Oreos
Have you ever walked into a mall with the intention of buying new jeans, got an immediate whiff of the Cinnabon located strategically next to the entrance, proceeded to eat said Cinnabon, and then left the mall so satisfied that you completely forgot to buy jeans?
No, just me?
I call bullshit. These Oreos were THAT good.
Year Introduced: 2016
Link to Full Review: Cinnamon Bun Oreos via Junk Banter
13) S’mores Oreos
“ThEy ShOuLd HaVe CaLleD tHeM ‘S’mOrE-eOs.”
Year Introduced: 2015
Link to Full Review: S’mores Oreos via Junk Banter
12) Red Velvet Oreos

Image Source: Baking Bites
The dark red wafer made them fancy, and the double-dose of cream cheese flavored frosting made them fattening.
Year Introduced: 2015
Link to Full Review: Red Velvet Oreos via Junk Banter
11) Creamsicle Oreos
Creamsicle Oreos are the biggest sleeper on the list. They were delightfully refreshing, tasted just like the orange Creamsicle pop, and officially kicked off Nabisco getting really weird with Oreo flavors for the remainder of the decade.
God bless them for that.
Year Introduced: 2011
Link to Full Review: Creamsicle Oreos via The Impulsive Buy
10) Blueberry Pie Oreos
Blueberry Pie Oreos featured the graham wafer and one of the best blueberry-flavored things I’ve ever eaten in my life. The creme was ridiculously good.
Although the Oreos didn’t stack up perfectly against a blueberry pie, they sure as hell stacked up perfectly inside of one.
Year Introduced: 2016
Link to Full Review: Blueberry Pie Oreos via Junk Banter
9) Pistachio Oreo Thins
A flavor literally nobody ever asked for ended up being the best Oreo Thin ever released.
Against all my doubts about pairing pistachio and chocolate, Nabisco whipped it out and showed me why they made $674.2 million in cookies sales the year prior while my blog only made $6.42 yesterday.
This was like an Oreo with creamy pistachio ice cream.
Year Introduced: 2018
Link to Full Review: Pistachio Oreo Thins via Junk Banter
8) Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Oreos

Image Source: Brand Eating
There’s no wrong way to eat a Reese’s. But is there a better way?
The answer is yes. And it was inside an Oreo cookie.
The creme tasted just like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup and produced my favorite chocolate Oreo of all-time.
Year Introduced: 2014
Link to Full Review: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Oreos via Junk Banter
7) Gingerbread Oreos (First Version)
Just look at how damn happy that package is!
I swear I could taste thousands of tiny gingerbread men dancing on my tongue as I ate these. Nabisco should really make it a Christmas staple.
Year Introduced: 2012
Link to Full Review: Gingerbread Oreos via Junk Banter
6) Gingerbread Oreos (Newer Version)
You could debate endlessly about which Gingerbread Oreo was better, but these get the nod from me because they damn near saved 2020.
In one of the worst years humankind has ever seen, Nabisco surprised us at the end of 2020 with a reformulated Gingerbread Oreo, which introduced a brand new gingerbread flavored wafer paired with the standard vanilla creme with decorative, crunchy red sugar crystals.
These just taste like Christmas, with a nice warming and comforting spice.
Year Introduced: 2020
Link to Full Review: Gingerbread Oreos (2020) via Junk Banter
5) Toasted Coconut Oreos

Image Source: Brownie Bites
Made with real toasted coconut flakes and a toasted coconut flavored creme on a buttery Golden wafer, these tasted like a crunchy, portable version of a coconut creme pie.
Most importantly, they didn’t taste like sun tan lotion.
Year Introduced: 2015
Link to Full Review: Toasted Coconut Oreos via Junk Banter
4) Carrot Cake Oreos
A beautiful bride, darling kids, and limitless companionship have their benefits, but the one true reason I hope to get married is so that I have a good excuse to buy a 3-foot tall carrot cake.
So it should come as no surprise that my favorite dessert of all-time is also one of my favorite Oreos of all-time. These used a carrot cake flavored wafer with the delicious cream cheese filling.
Might as well just marry the damn Oreos.
Year Introduced: 2019
Link to Full Review: Carrot Cake Oreos via Junk Banter
3) Marshmallow Crispy Oreos
They weren’t allowed to call them Rice Krispies Treats Oreos, but that’s what these were. A masterful representation of Rice Krispies Treats in Oreo form.
They also had little crunchy rice puff things in the creme.
Year Introduced: 2014
Link to Full Review: Marshmallow Crispy Oreos via Junk Banter
2) Cotton Candy Oreos

Image Source: Brownie Bites
It’s a real circus act how Nabisco nailed the flavor of cotton candy so accurately, but it’s even crazier just how well it goes with the Golden Oreo. These were gorgeous and wonderful.
Year Introduced: 2015
Link to Full Review: Cotton Candy Oreos via The Impulsive Buy
1) Fruity Crisp Oreos
A match made in Junk Food Heaven. A real gift from the Gods.
The cream tasted exactly like Fruity Pebbles cereal milk.
Since Fruity Pebbles improve with milk, and Oreos improve with milk, the law of Fat Mathematics suggests each should improve with the other.
I can confirm this was true.
Year Introduced: 2016
Link to Full Review: Fruity Crisp Oreos via Junk Banter
Welp, if you made it this far, congrats. You’re a real Oreo-head and a certified loser – just like me.
Burning Questions:
- How much money do you think you’ve spent on Oreos? About $100,000.
- How many calories do you think you’ve eaten from Oreos? Over 100,000.
- You realize you’re going to have to completely re-number this list every time a new Oreo comes out, right? Son of a bitch!!
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Cravings Oreos bad now… I spent the past 30 minutes reading through this happily. Thank you for what you do.
I believe that this was my mission in life. Thanks for reading all the way through!
This list was great! In addition to a carrot cake wedding cake,maybe you should consider either an oreo bar or a Japanese kitkat sampling station? I’ll marry you just to be invited to that wedding. Fair warning though, I will most likely find a way to work the phrase “ipso fatso” into my vows. 😉
I can fake love for all of the above!
I knew you’d have cotton candy at the top – they are epic and need a comeback in the worst way.
They were the Oreo that surprised me the most… I thought they would be a sweet chemical shitstorm. They were FANTASTIC.
Thank You for your tireless diligence. You are a true American hero.
I am nothing if not tireless.
Walmart’s copy, called “Twist & Shout”, has a creme brûlée version. They’re not very good, but at this point I’m impressed they found something Oreo hasn’t.
Great article. You had me laughing the whole way through. I mostly agree with all of your reviews on these.
You’re really going to hate this but Oreo released two new flavors in Japan for spring. Oolong tea and peach, and sakura green tea.